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Consultancy services

Part of: Consultancy Professional services All-of-Government

This All-of-Government contract offers specialist consultancy advice and competitive solutions from a panel of experienced consultancy providers across 11 sub-categories.

Key details


Current View dates



Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

What's covered

The scope of the AoG consultancy services solution includes consultancy services in the following 11 sub-categories. Providers may also provide additional focus areas per sub-category. Each sub-category provides a list of examples of the services that might be offered with that sub-category. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If you are unsure if your project is within scope of this consultancy contract please email the Consultancy services team.


Accounting focuses on services around advisory and business accounting, along with reporting and compliance.

  • Accounting advisory services (technical and transaction)
  • Business accounting services (bookkeeping, payroll etc.)
  • Financial reporting, compliance and accounts preparation


Quality assurance and advice including independent quality assurance, technical quality assurance and other quality assurance.

  • Health and safety assurance services
  • ‘Safeplus’ assessment and advisory services 

GCDO assurance services panel (sub-panel)

The Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) has established a GCDO assurance services panel. This panel offers eligible and mandated agencies a choice of 26 providers who specialise in the provision of Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) and Technical Quality Assurance (TQA) services for digital investments. Visit the GCDO assurance services panel page for further information.


Audit services focuses on various types of auditing, from financial or forensic investigations, to fraud or probity examinations.

  • Compliance and regulatory audit
  • Financial statement audit
  • Forensic accountancy investigations
  • Fraud audit
  • Health and safety auditing services
  • Internal audit, investigations and advisory services
  • IT systems audit
  • Probity audit
  • Special purpose audits and review engagements

Business change

Advisory services on business change processes and methodologies to ensure that organisational change is successfully planned and executed.

  • Business analysis and benchmarking
  • Business change implementation
  • Business change planning
  • Business change strategy - advice, development, review
  • Business continuity planning
  • Business disruption planning
  • Business process improvement
  • Cultural capacity building
  • Customer service improvement
  • Lean, Six Sigma, TQM, and Kaizen Process Re-Engineering
  • Organisational change management
  • Programme and project management

Finance and economics

Finance and economics includes advisory around investment proposals, economic analysis and modelling, and financial strategy and management amongst others.

  • Appraisal of investment proposals
  • Economic analysis and modelling
  • Financial strategy
  • Investment and banking services
  • Project financial management
  • Public Private Partnerships
  • Systems and solutions
  • Actuarial services

Human resource

Human resource consultants advise organisations or agencies on the management and development of their workforce, or human resources.

  • Applying employment legislation
  • Capability and performance management
  • Employment relations (including HR guidance and best practice)
  • Employment implications of restructures, outplacements
  • Health and safety appraisal, policy and development
  • Health and safety hazard register
  • Health and safety reporting
  • Health and safety systems and policy development
  • Health and safety training
  • Health, safety and wellbeing risk management advice and guidance
  • Human resource organisational change and design
  • Human resource programme and project management
  • Human resource strategy - advice, development and review
  • Leadership development and coaching
  • Learning and development
  • Mental health initiatives
  • Return to work services

Marketing and public relations

Marketing consultants focus on developing strategies in order to successfully promote, sell and distribute goods and/or services to targeted groups of end users.

Public relations consultancy services means assisting an organisation, or agency, to manage the flow of information between that organisation and the public.

  • Communications consultancy services
  • Communications strategy - advice, development, review
  • Marketing consultancy services
  • Marketing programme and project management
  • Marketing strategy - advice, development, review
  • Public relations consultancy services
  • Public relations programme and project management
  • Public relations strategy - advice, design, review

Operations management and risk

Operations management includes services relating to business process and quality improvement plans through reviews of operating models and their design.

Risk advisory services relate to risk identification, assessment and management, and security and safety systems.

  • Business continuity planning
  • Business process management
  • Disaster recovery planning
  • Emergency response capability development
  • Exposure monitoring
  • Health and safety governance advice
  • Health and safety investigations
  • Health surveillance and workplace health monitoring
  • Operating model development and design
  • Operational procedure definition
  • Operations management strategy - advice, development, review
  • Operations management programme and project management
  • Reporting and monitoring frameworks
  • Risk identification, treatment and management
  • Risk register development
  • Risk strategy - advice, development, review
  • Transaction and data processing

The Protective security services sub-panel is a risk based protective security framework which provides holistic protective security policies and guidance for agencies.

Protective security services panel (sub-panel)

Policy, research and development

A policy consultancy provides services to agencies to assist in the development and evaluation of public policy initiatives, in the New Zealand context. Research and development includes investigative activities.

  • Cultural competence research and policy development
  • Development and design
  • Energy policy research and development
  • Evaluating
  • Legislation development and machinery of government
  • Maori and Pacific peoples policy (including Treaty of Waitangi)
  • Market research and surveys
  • Policy, research and development programme and project management
  • Public policy
  • Research services (including ICT-related research; excluding market research)
  • Policy, research and development strategy – advice, development and review

Procurement and logistics

Policy, strategy and design, sourcing (excluding Public Private Partnerships), spend analysis and supply chain.

  • Health and safety by design and human factors integration
  • Overlapping duties risk profiling
  • Policy, strategy and design
  • Project safety services (contractor management)
  • Sourcing (excluding Public Private Partnerships)
  • Spend analysis
  • Supply chain (including logistics, strategy, policy, and inventory management


Taxation includes advisory services on compliance, preparation, and planning.

  • Tax compliance and preparation
  • Tax planning and advisory

What’s not covered

Consultants are covered by this contract. PLEASE NOTE that Contractors are out of scope and are covered by the AoG External recruitment services contract.

AoG external recruitment services contract

To help you tell the difference between a contractor and a consultant and what panel you should use, we have created a guideline document:

Features and benefits

  • Access to a range of providers offering quality and good value for money services
  • Ease of process and engagement through a standardised consultancy services order
  • No need to negotiate individual terms and conditions with individual providers
  • Clear specified maximum rates for each provider
  • Rates can be negotiated if required
  • Save time and money by not having to undergo a primary procurement process on GETS when sourcing consultancy services
  • Provision of provider performance (Tier 1 and 2) information from New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) so that agencies can review provider performance prior to engagement
  • An Online Panel Directory for ease of provider selection
  • Initiatives to support broader outcomes

Online Panel Directory

Professional services broader outcomes

Savings and costs


Agencies who participate in the consultancy services contract don't need to go through a full procurement process of their own, which saves time, effort and cost.

NZGP has secured maximum and standard AoG daily rates per job level of consultant per provider. The maximum is a fixed rate and should not be exceeded but the standard rate is just indicative and should not be considered as a minimum. Agencies are strongly encouraged to negotiate rates below the standard rate, recognising the uniqueness of each engagement. A full outline of the rates range, (including maximum and standard daily rates), is available via the Online Panel Directory to assist agencies with identifying suitable providers. Providers are expected to charge the standard daily rate unless there is a justifiable reason to charge an amount up to the maximum rate.


Most AoG contracts include an administration fee. This fee is a simple, effective and transparent way of recovering the cost of developing, sourcing, implementing and managing AoG contracts.

For the consultancy services contract, an administration fee of 1% is applicable on Tier 1 and Tier 2 provider services. Engagement of Tier 3 providers will not incur an administration fee. The provider adds the administration fee as an additional cost at time of invoicing.

Providers collect the administration fee and pass it on to MBIE - agencies don't need to make any payments to MBIE.

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Contract Terms:

*Additional contract date information

This solution started on 6 November 2015 and included the following six sub-categories:

  • Accounting
  • Assurance
  • Audit
  • Finance and economics
  • Procurement and logistics
  • Taxation

On 16 December 2016 a further five sub-categories were added:

  • Business change
  • Human resource
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Operations management and risk
  • Policy, research and development

In December 2017 another refresh was undertaken for all 11 sub categories.

In December 2020 another refresh was undertaken for all 11 sub-categories. This refresh closed 30 June 2021.

Joining AoG contracts

To be able to purchase from this contract agencies and schools first need to join.

Joining AoG contracts

​​Roles and responsibilities

Each participant in this contract has responsibilities that they must meet as part of that contract.

Roles and responsibilities
