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GCDO assurance services panel

Part of: Consultancy Finance All-of-Government

A panel of 27 providers who specialise in the provision of Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) and Technical Quality Assurance (TQA) services for digital investments.

Key details


Current View dates



Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

What's covered

The scope of the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) Assurance Services Panel (GCDO Panel) covers the following assurance services categories:

  • Project assurance
  • Programme assurance
  • Portfolio assurance
  • Technical design assurance
  • Technical implementation assurance

What’s not covered

For all other assurance services, you should use the AoG consultancy services solution.

How it works

The GCDO is a sub panel of the assurance category of the AoG consultancy services contract, which is managed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE). This means that MBIE is responsible for negotiating and managing all services agreements for the supply of consulting services on behalf of the Crown. The GCDO Centre of Expertise (GCDO CoE) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the GCDO panel.

Any appointment to the GCDO panel is additional to, and conditional on, first being appointed to the assurance panel of providers under the AoG consultancy services solution. This means that providers must first have signed an AoG services agreement for consultancy services with MBIE.

The following agencies are required to use the GCDO panel for Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) and Technical Quality Assurance (TQA) services for digital investments, regardless of whether the investment is high risk or not, public service departments, non-public service departments, ACC, EQC, HNZC, NZTA, NZTE, NZQA, TEC and the 20 District Health Boards. Other agencies are encouraged and welcome to opt-in at any time.

Contract information including the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and services agreements, relating to the AoG consultancy services contract, can be found on the consultancy services page. The information below is additional and relates specifically to the GCDO panel.

Consultancy services

Features and benefits

The objective of the GCDO panel is to improve the quality, consistency and independence of assurance services provided to agencies in order to achieve the following outcomes.

  • Helping agencies to make better informed investment decisions.
  • Providing confidence to the Chief Executive and other key stakeholders that the expected investment outcomes and benefits will be achieved.
  • Delivering value for money and efficiencies for agencies by not having to maintain their own panels or perform lengthy tender processes.

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Contract Terms:

Contract documents

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