Login with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select Login and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

​​How to supply to government

To become a supplier to government, you need to know what opportunities are available and how to engage with government buyers

1. Identifying opportunities

New Zealand government spends approximately $51.5 billion, around 20% of GDP, procuring a wide range of goods and services from third party suppliers.

Agencies should post planned procurement as a future procurement opportunity (FPO) on GETS. This gives suppliers early notice of a planned procurement. Suppliers may follow an FPO and will receive notifications when a related RFx is released on GETS. FPOs are subject to revision or cancellation so are not a commitment by Government to purchase the described goods or service. Don’t contact agencies regarding FPO’s; they’ll let you know more as the procurement progresses.

Future procurement opportunities

Planning to tender

2. Engaging with buyers

Principles and rules

The Principles of Government Procurement, the Government Procurement Rules and good practice guidance provide a framework to help agencies achieve better procurement outcomes.

Principles and rules

How buyers approach the market

Government agencies approach the market on an on-going basis. There are lots of different ways buyers might approach suppliers, including:

  • open competitive process, where any supplier can submit a tender or proposal to the buyer for review
  • closed competitive process, where selected suppliers are invited to submit tenders or proposals
  • direct sourcing, where a supplier is directly approached by a buyer to do the work.

Ways buyers might approach the market

Generally, large contracts are advertised on GETS (the Government Electronic Tenders Service). Suppliers need to register for GETS using RealMe to access listings. For smaller contracts, agencies may go directly to suppliers they already know.


Suppliers then submit proposals for the project, the agency evaluates them and creates a shortlist. Sometimes suppliers will be asked to present to the evaluation team to discuss their proposal. After final evaluation, the agency awards the contract to the successful supplier.

If your proposal is accepted, there might be further negotiation around what you'll be expected to deliver, and the price.

Submitting a tender

Types of contracts

Suppliers can tender for:

  • one-off projects with a single agency
  • collaborative contracts that many agencies can join and use. These often have multiple suppliers.

Collaborative contracts

Collaborative contracts are intended to help streamline government procurement and make things easier for both agencies and suppliers.

There are three types of collaborative contracts commonly used by government in New Zealand:

  • All-of-Government contracts
  • Syndicated contracts
  • Common capability contracts.

Types of collaborative contracts 

Current contracts

You can apply to be a supplier to a collaborative contract when the contract returns to market.

New or renewing collaborative contracts will be advertised on GETS. You apply following the RFx process, and if successful, might be the only supplier or one of a panel of suppliers that agencies can choose to use.

If you're part of a panel of suppliers on a collaborative contract, you can be contracted directly to provide goods or services to any government agency that has signed up to the contract. Sometimes an agency might run a secondary procurement process, and invite some or all suppliers on the panel to tender for a specific requirement.

How supplier panels work

Guidance to building personnel security capability

The guidance provides information for contractors and suppliers to government organisations to build their own personnel security capability. This helps to mitigate the risk of workers (insiders) exploiting their legitimate access to an organisation’s assets for unauthorised purposes.

Managing contractors - Protective Security Requirements (PSR)

Managing insider risk - Protective Security Requirements (PSR)

Supply chain security - Protective Security Requirements (PSR)
