Login with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select Login and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

​​Strategic procurement planning

​Individual procurement strategies should tie into your agency's overarching procurement strategy.

Achieving strategic procurement outcomes involves setting strategic priorities and direction.

For agencies, strategic procurement happens at two levels:

  • high-level strategic thinking and business planning – your overarching procurement strategy
  • individual strategic procurements – acquisitions at the operational level.

These are underpinned by ongoing quality procurement planning.

Overarching procurement strategy

Agencies are encouraged to take a strategic approach to managing public funds. For procurement activities, this often involves developing an overarching procurement strategy and procurement policies.

Developing a strategy involves analysing historic and forecast spend to identify the volume, value and risk associated with the acquisition of different types of goods and services.

Any procurement activity you undertake should tie to your agency's overarching procurement policies and strategy.

Developing procurement policy

Policies are high level statements of the principles and values that guide procurement decisions.

A procurement policy is a good place to identify your agency’s core procurement objectives (eg value for money), roles and responsibilities, and thresholds for open advertising.

Procurement planning      

Good procurement planning and informed decision making are essential to delivering successful results. Planning helps you successfully achieve your objectives and deliver best value-for-money over the whole-of-life of the goods or services.

Effective procurement planning:

  • establishes evidence-based, transparent decision making
  • provides a structured approach that allows key stakeholders to engage at the appropriate stages and influence the outcome
  • ensures sufficient research and analysis of the market
  • ensures sufficient engagement with suppliers to inform your options
  • makes government an informed, intelligent customer.


Annual procurement plans

Individual strategic procurement

At an operational level, agencies are encouraged to take a strategic approach to individual procurements. To help ensure you're following a strategic procurement process at an operational level, use our guide to procurement.

Guide to procurement
