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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Using the rental vehicles contract

This page will provide step by step instructions on how to join the All-of-Government (AoG) rental vehicles contract. You may also find additional resources on this page.

Using this contract

  • 1
    Assess your needs

    Identify and prioritise your agency's rental vehicle requirements. Consider the type of vehicles and volume required, the location of provider(s), and if your agency has any unique requirements. The needs analysis tool in the contract resources section can help you do this.

    Contract resources

  • 2
    Review the categories

    There are three categories in the rental vehicles contract. General rentals category includes passenger vehicles which are less than nine seats. Commercial rentals category provides passenger vehicles with more than nine seats but less than twelve seats. It also includes light goods vehicles. Both general rentals and commercial rentals categories are available nationwide and are charged on a per day basis. Less-than-one-day rentals category provides passenger vehicles that can be hired by the minute, hour, day or evening. It is currently available in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

    What's covered

  • 3
    Review providers

    All categories

    Review the panel of providers for each category using the services comparison guides available in the contract resources section.

    Contract resources

    Less-than-one-day rentals

    Engage with the panel of providers to learn more about their services and how they can fit into your travel program within your agency. Contact details can be found on the providers page.

    Rental vehicles providers

  • 4
    Complete a service order

    All categories

    You can sign a service order with all providers on the panel to ensure maximum choice and vehicle availability. Complete a service order using the template provided in the contract resources section.

    Contract resources

    Your service order should include invoicing, approach to account management, reporting requirements, insurance and any unique service requirements you may have.

    Less-than-one-day rentals

    Service order templates for providers on the less-than-one-day rentals panel are customised per provider and some providers offer sign-up promotions.

    Consider attaching an implementation plan to service orders for the less-than-one-day rentals category. Providers will conduct a needs analysis with you to understand your agency’s needs and requirements and this information will form part of the implementation plan.

  • 5
    Make a booking

    Once your service order is complete, you can make a booking:

    General rentals and light commercial rentals directly through the providers website or via your nominated travel management supplier.

    Less-than-one-day rentals directly through the providers website or through their mobile application.

    End of process


A selection of standard reports is offered by all providers, including:

  • Transaction report - traveller name, cost centre, pick-up and drop-off details, kilometres driven, method of booking, method of payment, rental period, fuel charges, accessories
  • Summary report - spend, top travellers, top locations, number of hires, booking methods, average hire costs, average rental length, total refuelling
  • lost opportunity savings, including vehicles that require refuelling upon return
  • membership programme
  • vehicle type booked versus vehicle provided by provider.

Frequency and detail of reporting is agreed between each agency and provider and is recorded in the service order, along with any additional optional reporting that may be required ie validated carbon inventory.

Contract resources

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Service level agreement dashboard

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