Start by determining your requirements and what you need to source from the panel.
Consider your agency’s:
By determining your requirements , you can form a clear picture of what outcomes you would like to achieve.
You can select providers from the panel in one of two ways outlined below. The method you choose will depend on your:
Regardless of your selection process, you should also ask providers about conflicts of interest they’d have if engaged by your agency.
A provider must confirm whether they’d have an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest related to the work.
If they identify a conflict of interest, they cannot provide services until your agency approves it in writing. The conflict of interest should be recorded and, if necessary, a conflict of interest management plan put in place.
You can select a provider by using the information available in the Online Panel Directory and/or your own market knowledge and experience.
The list of property consultancy services providers is grouped by subcategory.
Property consultancy services providers
If you need to see provider details, services and rates, use OPD to review providers.
If you need access to OPD, ask your agency’s procurement advisor or team.
When you've selected a provider from the panel, document your decision and get the approvals you need to go ahead, in line with your agency's internal secondary procurement and decision-making processes.
This is a process where you approach several providers from the panel.
A secondary selection process is recommended where:
New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) has completed a robust procurement process to select the panel of providers, so there’s no need to test the entire market each time you have a requirement. You don't need to advertise your requirements on GETS.
Once you’ve chosen a provider, start to fill in a Property Consultancy Services Order (PCSO). If you choose multiple providers, you’ll need to complete a separate PCSO with each provider. Complete Part A of the PCSO, providing as much detail as possible.
All other documentation (including briefs, cost estimates and variations) can be referenced or attached as appendices for auditing, invoicing, and reporting.
The panel provider(s) will respond with their estimate/quote within Part B of the PCSO. You can find the PCSO template in the contract documents section on the main contract page.
For help filling out a PCSO, email us.
Both parties approve the PCSO by signing Part E in Schedule 3.
Part D is for any variations that the provider makes to their quote in Part B.
Check your internal delegations to make sure the correct authority signs. The provider can now start their work with your agency.
Keep a copy of the signed PCSO in your agency’s records. Set up reminders to proactively manage a provider’s delivery of your agency’s requirements, and to meet any of your own obligations (like payment of provider invoices).
If you used a secondary selection process, let the unsuccessful provider(s) know that a provider has been selected after the PCSO has been signed. Depending on the size and nature of the project, it may be appropriate to offer a debrief.
A debrief could be a simple phone call to give the provider an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of their response. Doing this gives providers an opportunity to improve their future responses.
End of process