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New All-of-Government office supplies contract launched

Part of: Procurement news Contract update Office

The new All-of-Government (AoG) office supplies solution is launched and the contract goes live on 18 July. The new contract supports the government’s broader outcomes through reducing emissions and waste.

The contract aims to design waste out of the system. Suppliers have committed to reducing the waste associated with their products by favouring recyclable and compostable materials, and supporting a shift to circular economy through product stewardship schemes. The low waste key office supplies category makes up around 80% of the most purchased products acquired through the solution and the aim is for all products within that category to be low-waste by 2025.

The new contract supports New Zealand businesses through the wider supply chain and features:

  • a refreshed, consolidated product catalogue across seven categories, focusing on low-waste, sustainable products and delivering social and environmental outcomes
  • a wider range of suppliers providing more choice and competitive pricing
  • revised pricing from suppliers, lowering the total costs to participating agencies.

A panel of nine nationwide suppliers offers products covering stationery, cleaning, hygiene and washroom consumables, ICT consumables, educational supplies, health and safety products, and milk and milk alternatives:

  • Alsco NZ Limited
  • Burns & Ferrall
  • NXP Limited
  • NZ Safety Blackwoods
  • OfficeMax NZ Limited
  • Pacific Hygiene Limited
  • Play’n’Learn
  • Qizzle
  • The Warehouse Group.

Over a thousand agencies participate in this contract, with a total annual spend of $62M. The initial term for this contract is three years, with two rights of renewal, each for two years.

With the launch of the solution, agencies now have a transition period of five weeks before the contract goes live on 18 July 2021.

Read about office supplies broader outcomes.
