Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Growing procurement capability

We provide pathways into the procurement profession, promote and uphold best practices, and facilitate learning. We support procurement practitioners in developing their knowledge, skills, and mindsets to deliver government procurement that benefits New Zealand.

Learning on Hīkina

Hīkina is New Zealand Government Procurement’s e-learning platform. We offer training modules and workshops to help improve your understanding and practice of:

  • the procurement lifecycle
  • social services procurement
  • broader outcomes
  • working with suppliers
  • the Government Procurement Rules.

Hīkina also has recordings of Knowledge Hours, a series of presentations on current and notable topics in procurement.

You can access Hīkina by logging in with your RealMe account and then entering your New Zealand government email address. Your personal details are not stored.

Graduate programme

Our procurement graduate programme is designed to develop tomorrow's procurement leaders. It is the only one of its kind in the public sector. If you’re looking for an opportunity to enter the world of procurement, this graduate pathway is a great place to start.

Graduate programme

Knowledge Hours

We run regular Knowledge Hours, both online and in-person. Knowledge Hours are presentations and conversations about procurement, covering projects we are working on, compelling case studies and more.

Knowledge Hours take place roughly every two months. If you are a procurement professional working in New Zealand government, contact us to be added to our 'Events' list to receive invites.

Contact us

Social services procurement competency framework

New Zealand Government Procurement has designed a framework, assessment tool and learning pathways guide for people working in social services procurement in the New Zealand public sector.

These resources were developed in collaboration with social services and procurement experts.

Individuals can use these tools to identify which skills to develop as they work towards the next role in their procurement careers.

People leaders can use them to identify skills gaps and opportunities for their team to upskill.

The framework, assessment tool and learning pathways guide will help the social services procurement community to:

  • clarify the skills, knowledge, and mindsets needed to be confident and competent in their roles
  • take a more structured and purposeful approach to professional development
  • build a culture of excellence where learning is supported and encouraged
  • set consistent expectations for performance in social procurement practice.

Download the tools

If you’re working in social services procurement

Start by completing the competency assessment tool to identify your learning priorities, then record these in your performance and development plan.

Use the suggestions in the learning pathways guide to plan how you will learn, apply, integrate, and practice.

Understanding where you’re at in your professional development journey helps to:

  • clearly understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected in your current role
  • guide you into self-directed study, which can more effectively target your areas of interest
  • improve your skills, which may allow you to seek distinct roles and responsibilities within your team
  • maintain a broad base of skills, to stay flexible in responding to the changing demands of the public service.

As you become more skilled, revisiting these tools can also help you understand what competencies you need to progress to more advanced roles.

The assessment will show you where you’re currently at. The pathways guide has resources to upskill in the right ways to help you progress your career and establish a continuous cycle of learning.

The competencies for leaders are in addition to Te Kawa Mataaho Leadership Success Profile, which outlines the model for effective leadership across the public sector. Foundation and leader levels are not typically progressive in the same way that practitioner, senior and advanced levels are, and may need less procurement competency overall.

Leadership Success Profile – Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission

If you're a people leader in social services procurement

Use the competency assessment tool to effectively support and manage the capability development of your team.

Start with your team member completing the assessment to identify their learning priorities. They’ll record these in their performance and development plan and discuss it with you.

Understanding and supporting your team’s professional development journey helps to:

  • effectively support and manage the capability development of your people.
  • identify competency requirements when recruiting people and planning for future capability needs.
  • maintain a broad base of skills within your team, which helps you and your team stay flexible in responding to the changing demands of the public service.

Step by step

  1. Read the parts of the competency framework relevant to your team, and familiarise yourself with the indicators that describe behaviour. This will help you discuss with your team member and answer any of their questions.
  2. Set a timeframe for your team member to complete the competency assessment, or complete it alongside them.
  3. Schedule a review of the completed assessment with your team member. As you both discuss areas to be developed, you could also look at the indicators for the role level your team member aspires to reach in future. Use this discussion to agree on your team member’s areas of development.
  4. Plan how your team member will achieve their development goals. Use the learning pathways guide, which recommends activities, resources, and training that will help your team member progress.

Tips for people leaders

  • Encourage your team to record SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for the coming year in their performance and development plans.
  • Check in with your team regularly about how their development is going and what further support they need.
  • Remember that team members don’t need to complete all the activities listed in the learning pathways guide to progress to the next level.
  • When ready, encourage them to revisit the competency assessment to help track changes in their ability and confidence, or identify new areas of development.