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Using the facilities management services contract

This page provides step by step instructions on how to use the facilities management services contract.

Using this contract

Agencies should use this contract if their property portfolio is primarily non-operational (ie office accommodation and public interface space). Minor value operational facilities management services can be provided under this AoG solution. Agencies participate in this contract by completing a secondary procurement process with the providers on the panel.

  • 1
    Assess your current facilities management state

    When selecting a facilities management provider, you should first understand your agency's facilities management requirements and objectives.

    1. Familiarise yourself with our facilities management guidance.
    2. Determine whether your agency property portfolio is primarily non-operational (i.e office accommodation and public interface space) as this contract is not intended to be used for agencies who primarily have operational space such as correctional facilities, educational facilities, or laboratories.
    3. Assess the current state of your agencies facilities management delivery model (i.e in-house, fully outsourced or partially outsourced). Consider what model you may want to work towards with a supplier, and how this aligns with your current model.

    Facilities management – Government Property Group

    What's covered

    What's not covered

    Scope definitions (agency login required)

  • 2
    Assess your needs

    Assess this contract against your agency's requirements. Keep in mind your agency’s current facilities management model and target future state structure.

    Your agency should consider:

    • Does facilities management currently function well within your agency?
    • Does your agency plan to make any significant changes to your facilities management?
    • Does your agency have any objectives in relation to facilities management?
    • The geographical spread of your property portfolio, as this may be useful in determining which provider best suits your needs.
    • Review the service scope of the contract and determine what services you would require from a provider and to what extent. For each service, determine what your agency would require of the provider vs what you could provide in-house.
    • Estimate your transition timeline. At which point can each of your required services be brought on-board? Consider contract expiries, financial year start etc.
  • 3
    Review the providers

    Consider each provider's value-add services, profile, rates and how they align to your requirements. This information can be found on the providers page using an agency login.

  • 4
    Talk to the providers

    Talk to some or all of the providers to communicate your needs for each of your sites, and to learn more about their services. Think about what you might want to learn from them before you talk to them (eg how they can plan the transition to your desired facilities management delivery model.

    Depending on the estimated value of your engagement, you may then have to seek quotes from some or all of the panel providers.

  • 5
    Determine your selection process

    Your secondary procurement process will be determined by the value of your engagement based on the estimated whole of life contractual value.

    The process below is based on an agency led secondary procurement process. Other options to be considered could be:

    • An MBIE led process on behalf of agencies where we group agencies by complimentary requirements such as size, property or existing contract expiry.
    • A blend of both an agency led and MBIE led process.

    Please contact us if you would like to discuss the most appropriate option for your agency.

  • 5a
    Engagements less than $1M

    For engagements valued less than $1M your agency may either:

    • Seek quotes from some or all of the panel providers, or
    • Select a provider directly from the panel.
  • 5b
    Engagements between $1M and $5M

    For engagements valued between $1M and $5M, your agency will need to seek quotes from a minimum of three panel providers.

  • 5c
    Engagements of $5M and above

    For engagements valued at $5M and above, your agency will need to seek quotes from a minimum of five panel providers.

  • 6
    Request information
    • Issue an RFx (eg, RFQ or RFP) for your determined service requirements to the selected panel providers.
    • If a provider can meet your requirements, they may respond to the Request for Quote.
    • Evaluate the responses against your requirements.

    Government model RFx templates

  • 7
    Select a provider

    Once you have chosen your provider, you will need to agree on your facilities management model, pricing, a transition plan, approach to account management and any unique service requirements you may have.

    Once agreed you need to complete the statement of work to formalise your decision. A statement of work template can be found within the contract documents section using an agency login.

    Contract documents

    An agency can change from one supplier to another at any time during the term of the contract, giving notice of 60 business days' to the current supplier of your intention to terminate the statement of work.

  • 8
    Transition to your provider

    Your chosen provider will produce a transition plan detailing the steps to be carried out to transition your agency.

    End of process