Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

​​Booking travel

Once an agency/school has completed the joining process they can begin purchasing from the contract and passenger’s travel is conducted as usual.

All international travel needs to be booked through a travel management services supplier (TMSS). Domestic travel may be booked either through a TMSS or directly with the suppliers via the methods listed below.

Booking methods for international suppliers


Booking method

Payment method

Air NZ

Through TMSS and through Air NZ DCP (selected routes)

Air NZ Travelcard which can be consolidated by a TMSS


Through TMSS only

Through TMSS


Through TMSS only

Through TMSS


Through TMSS only

Through TMSS


Through TMSS only

Through TMSS


Through TMSS only

Qantas UATP charge account, which can be consolidated by a TMSS

Any agency that participated in the original AoG air travel contract will likely already have an account, which can continue to be used.

Singapore Airlines

Through TMSS only

Through TMSS

Virgin Australia

Through TMSS only

Through TMSS

United Airlines

Through TMSS only

Through TMSS

Booking methods for domestic suppliers


Booking method

Payment method

Air Chathams

TMSS; or

If booking direct:

  • Air Chathams website
  • Telephone

Through TMSS; or

If booking direct, weekly invoice to your agency.

Air NZ

TMSS; or


Air NZ Travelcard which can be consolidated by a TMSS

Jetstar (part of Qantas)

TMSS; or

If booking direct:

  • Jetstar Business Hub (24/7 online booking tool).

The Qantas UATP charge account used for Qantas can be used with Jetstar, both via a TMSS and/or the Jetstar Business Hub.

Sounds Air

TMSS; or

If booking direct:

  • Sounds Air website
  • Telephone

Through TMSS; or

If booking direct, monthly invoice to your agency.


TMSS; or

If booking direct:

  • Telephone
  • Sunair website
  • Email

Through TMSS; or

If booking direct:

  • monthly invoice to your agency
  • credit card (fee applies)

Booking resources

Further information on purchasing direct and/or combining it with using a TMSS is provided in our guide: Managing travel - Travel management services vs booking direct. See the AoG travel pricing model page for further information.

AoG travel pricing model

Off-panel purchasing

Participating agencies and schools are required to use the suppliers on the panel.

Participating agencies and schools can only purchase flights from non-panel suppliers if the panel suppliers cannot meet the needs of that journey (eg scheduling, capacity or the availability of fares for the participating agencies/schools preferred travel dates).

Agencies who must apply the Government Procurement Rules (see Rule 5 for a full list) are required to purchase air travel services from the AoG air travel services contract unless there is a good reason not to.

Rule 5 - Who the Rules apply to

Any agency considering entering into a contract for the supply of air travel services outside of AoG is encouraged to contact us and discuss its requirements in the first instance.

Contact us
