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New print technology and associated services contract launched

Part of: All-of-Government Procurement news Contract update ICT Hardware ICT Services Office

The new All-of-Government (AoG) print technology and associated services (PTAS) contract started on 11 September 2022.

The new contract has broader outcomes at its core. The selected suppliers are committed to reducing waste and emissions by cutting down non-recyclable packaging waste and improving the sustainability ratings of products within their catalogues. Suppliers will provide environmentally friendly solutions to manage the end-of-life of their products and consumables.

The panel of nationwide suppliers, offering print devices and associated services, includes:

  • Brother International (NZ) Limited (representing Brother and Konica Minolta products)
  • Canon New Zealand Limited
  • Fujifilm Business Innovation New Zealand Limited
  • Ricoh New Zealand Limited. 

In addition to the broader outcomes focus, other key benefits of the new contract include:

  • Improvements to commercial models, including introduction of a new FlexiFleet lease, to provide flexibility to adjust print devices during a lease term without incurring penalty costs.
  • Improvements to the product and service catalogue, including a new core catalogue focusing on commonly used devices and their environmental accreditations.
  • Automatic transition of existing PTAS arrangements (Statements of Work) to the new contract.

Over 1350 agencies, including over 1000 schools, participating in the previous PTAS contract have automatically transitioned to the new agreement. These existing arrangements with providers will remain in effect governed by the new contract.

The initial term for the new contract is four years, with three rights of renewal, each for two years.
