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More suppliers join the All-of-Government motor vehicles electric vehicles sub panel

Part of: All-of-Government Procurement news Contract update Vehicles

The All-of-Government (AoG) motor vehicles contract has added four new suppliers under the electric vehicles sub-panel.

This increases the range of electric vehicles (EVs) available to participating agencies.

The four new suppliers are: 

  • Ateco Automative NZ Limited suppling BYD
  • Auto Distributors New Zealand Limited supplying Peugeot, Citroën and Opel
  • Great Lake Motor Distributor supplying LDV (utes and light commercial vans), and
  • North Star Motors Limited supplying Polestar.

There are now 19 suppliers on the panel with 26 brands of vehicles.

We expect more light commercial vehicles from both new and existing providers to be added to our catalogue over the next six months.

Not all vehicles will be available immediately.

There are around 14,000 vehicles in the government light vehicle fleet. 25% of the fleet is now lower emissions vehicles. This panel refresh is a further step towards transitioning to a carbon zero (emissions free) government fleet, and some of the benefits include:

  • The first fully electric ute available through the AoG panel
  • Several fully electric cargo vans
  • A range of EVs below a price point of $50,000.