On this page you will find all the information you need to transition to the contract.
The cost of gas supply can be split into four broad categories.
Under the Supply Agreement, N-ToU is simplified into two rates per site.
Guidance is available for determining the N-ToU rates for your agency. You will need to login to view this information.
Determining the N-ToU rates for your agency
If you have any high consumption sites they may be classed as ToU.
ToU pricing is complex with a number of transmission and distribution costs determined by many variables. Because these rates vary from site to site, these are detailed in site-specific pricing supplements.
The pricing supplement contains the rates unique to your sites and is prepared by Genesis Energy. Until signed, the pricing supplement does not commit your agency to join the supply agreement but it is useful for your decision making process.
When you are ready to join, the pricing supplement needs to be signed and becomes a contract between your agency and Genesis Energy. This is in addition to completing a Form of Accession.
If you would like to request a pricing supplement or ask us some questions email the Utilities team.
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