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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Social Services Procurement Competency Assessment tool and Learning Pathways Guide

The Social Services Procurement Competency Assessment tool and Learning Pathways Guide are now live.

Several government agencies contract with providers to deliver support or services in communities. These can range from courses to help with budgeting, stopping smoking, or family and whānau support.

The Social Services Procurement Competency Assessment tool and Learning Pathways Guide are designed to support government agency staff involved in this vital and varied sector with their professional development.

Social services procurement competency framework

While professional development guidance and tools exist nationally and internationally, our resources are unique in their specific focus on the social services sector. They provide a personalised approach to professional development, allowing procurement practitioners to identify strengths and areas for growth.

Emma Morrow, Manager Commissioning for Outcomes, Department of Corrections Ara Poutama Aotearoa says, "Aotearoa is unique, our relationships and partnerships are unique, and we need to acknowledge and respect this. While it is important that we tap into international thinking, learning, and guidance, we must develop our own content or else we won’t use it."

Social service practitioners in Aotearoa can now find tools that resonate with them in the Social Services Procurement Assessment Tool and Learning Pathways Guide. These resources help us to:

  • take a more structured and purposeful approach to professional development
  • build a culture of excellence where learning is supported and encouraged
  • set consistent expectations for performance in social procurement practice.

Individuals can use these resources to identify where they can develop their skills as they progress in their procurement careers. And people leaders can use them to pinpoint skills gaps and opportunities for team capability development.

"The Social Services Procurement Assessment Tool and Learning Pathways Guide will open the door for individuals who otherwise may not have thought they had the desired skills for social services procurement. To date, procurement has typically been seen as very technical. These new resources elevate the importance of personal attributes and values, which is fundamental to working in a relational way." Emma Morrow says.

NZGP would like to acknowledge the many contributors who were integral to developing these resources, including those who were interviewed about their work, and those who gave feedback. In particular, NZGP would like to acknowledge:

Emma Morrow, Jacinta Taliauli, Keitha Cathro-Mills, Shayne Nahu, Keri Huurdeman, and Rachel Skeates Millar as well as Aditi Cook for their input and guidance, along with Janine Maddison, Ken Barnett, and Tommi Robinson-Chen for their assistance with testing and feedback.

If you have any questions, email us.
