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NZGPP shines at the New Zealand Procurement Excellence Awards

Part of: All-of-Government Procurement news Vehicles
New Zealand Procurement Excellence Awards finalists
At the New Zealand Procurement Excellence Awards, from left to right: (back) Paul Hrstich, Tom O'Sullivan, (middle) John Ivil, Margaret Pearson, Carolyn Tremain, (front) Angela Xygalas, Ashleigh Smith and award winner Ryan Challis

New Zealand Government Procurement and Property (NZGPP) was recognised at the New Zealand Procurement Excellence Awards in Auckland last week with one category winner and two finalists.

Ryan Challis, Procurement Specialist, took home the Young Professional of the Year award and Ashleigh Smith, also a Procurement Specialist, was a finalist in the same category. NZGPP’s All-of-Government Vehicles team were finalists in the Sustainability Project of the Year category.

As a key member of the All-of-Government Commercial Strategy and Sourcing team, Ryan is responsible for leading project teams on some of the most significant procurements in New Zealand, worth over $300 million.

Ryan says winning the award is an absolute honour and it certainly wasn’t possible without the incredible support from the branch.

“NZGPP develops people into bold, collegial and high-performing operators that seek to push boundaries of traditional procurement. I have an opportunity to make an impact and I think that’s what I value most,” says Ryan.

Procurement specialist Ashleigh Young was recognized for her leading involvement in a return to market for the External Recruitment Services All-of-Government contract, which boasts the largest category of spend of all ten All-of-Government contracts.

As a nominee for Sustainability Project of the Year, the All-of-Government Vehicles team developed a joint secondary process for procurement of electric vehicles, with a wider aim to promote the use of electric vehicles throughout the country.

NZGPP’s Director Delivery Services, Angela Xygalas says, “At NZGPP we have an important part to play in the government procurement arena, so seeing the high calibre of our work and people acknowledged in these awards is hugely satisfying.”

The year's category winners of the EY New Zealand Procurement Excellence Awards were:

  • Procurement Professional of the Year: Rob Halsall (Westpac New Zealand)
  • Young Procurement Professional of the Year: Ryan Challis (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment)
  • Procurement Team of the Year: Xero
  • Successful Procurement Change of the Year: Watercare
  • Sustainability Project of the Year: New Zealand Post