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Extension of consultation period on sector leadership model

We’ve extended the sector leadership consultation window by three weeks to 5 May, so more people can have their say.

We’re seeking feedback on the proposed introduction of a sector leadership approach to how government manages procurement in key sectors.

Sector leadership is an approach to supporting agencies to work together across significant areas of common expenditure. A key feature will be the appointment of new sector leads to work alongside agencies within certain sectors to:

  • coordinate some procurement activity
  • provide a sector voice
  • connect stakeholders with one another and with key sector expertise.

While still at the concept stage, we think that effective sector leadership would lead to better operational delivery, innovation, risk management, and market capability and resilience, within certain sectors.

We are consulting on the proposed high-level design features of a sector leadership model:

  • sector lead core functions
  • six initial sectors which should have a sector lead
  • sector leadership governance arrangements
  • initial implementation approach.

Read the discussion document

The discussion document provides an outline of the proposed changes and asks specific questions we seek your thoughts on. We also welcome any other feedback on the proposals.

Have your say

You can make your submission by:

  • emailing your completed submission form to the Procurement for the future team using ‘Sector leadership submission’ as the email subject heading.
  • or mailing your submission to:
    Sector leadership project
    Policy team, New Zealand Government Procurement
    Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
    PO Box 1473 Wellington 6140 New Zealand

Your feedback will help refine the model and provide further advice to the government.

Please direct any questions that you have in relation to the submissions process to the Procurement for the future team.

Submissions closed 5 May 2023.

Process and timeline

Following this consultation, we will analyse feedback, submissions, and any other evidence before providing further advice to the Government on a sector leadership model.

Subject to the Government’s agreement, the changes are expected to be to be progressively introduced. We’ll share further information about the timelines at that time.
