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Decision and summary on the sector leadership consultation

The consultation on sector leadership model closed in May 2023. We received feedback supporting the concept of sector leadership and many of its key features.

Sector leadership is an approach to support agencies to work together across significant areas of common expenditure or sectors.

From February to May 2023 we sought feedback on sector leadership through:

  • Workshopping aspects at in-person and online CoLabs
  • Hui with iwi representatives
  • Workshops with government agencies
  • Workshops with industry bodies within the proposed sectors; and
  • A discussion document on our website outlining the proposal.

We looked at six initial industries, or economic sectors, that would benefit from having a sector lead. The consultation identified construction and infrastructure as the preferred sector to focus on initially. This is a high spend sector with significant scope to drive greater efficiency through collaborative initiatives.

We are very grateful for the feedback and the time and effort from all involved. Stakeholder views have validated the proposed model and also identified areas for further consideration.

Consultation feedback and themes

Respondents supported the concept of sector leadership and many of its key features. They also identified areas needing further consideration.

Key themes included:

  • ensuring we honour Te Tiriti commitments,
  • acknowledging that different sectors have different needs,
  • endorsing that strong relationships need to underpin the model,
  • clarifying who is doing what within the model.

Next steps

We’re finishing work to understand which functions and responsibilities will provide the most value in the construction and infrastructure sector. This includes how we can best work with established groups such as the Construction Sector Accord and Te Waihanga, the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission. This will help to identify how the model may close procurement capability gaps.

We’re also working on defining how to distribute tasks and responsibilities most effectively between stakeholders.

We will continue to engage with impacted stakeholders through this next phase of work.

If you’d like a copy of the full consultation summary, email the Procurement for the future team.
