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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

COVID-19 procurement update – for agencies

Here is the latest procurement-related information for government agencies.

Contract management guidance for government agencies requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for access to their premises

New Zealand has moved from an elimination strategy to one of minimise and protect. The Government has introduced a new COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system) to replace the Alert Level system.

Government agencies are undertaking their own health and safety risk assessments to determine if COVID-19 vaccinations are required for their people and for any people (including contractors and suppliers) who access their premises.

Health and safety risk assessments and the decisions made as a result of those assessments are the responsibility of individual government agencies.

Requirements for COVID-19 vaccinations for access to your agency’s premises may impact your suppliers and service delivery. This guidance will help you identify and manage these impacts.

Emergency procurement

In emergency situations the Government Procurement Rules allow agencies to adopt accelerated procurement processes to procure the goods and services required for an emergency response.

Given the events of the last year, it is expected that agencies will have contingency planning in place to allow for the provision of goods and services if an emergency, supply shortage or other future unforeseen event arises.

With these plans in place, the threshold and level of scrutiny for any ‘emergency’ procurement activity related to the current COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions will be high.

It is important to apply the most appropriate procurement practice possible given the circumstances; the immediacy of the need to respond; and the long term impact on the supply market.

In any case, you should clearly document the facts and circumstances justifying the procurement approach(es) taken, and complete a contract award notice on GETS, where appropriate.

COVID-19 emergency procurement guidance

Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS)

In light of the current disruption to business, you should consider your options for dealing with tenders you have currently in the market – including all open procurements on GETS.

Extending the deadline on tenders currently open on GETS gives businesses more time to respond, and could improve the quality of the responses you receive.

Make sure you communicate changes clearly through GETS and any other appropriate channels.

If you need support with GETS email the GETS team.

All-of-Government contracts

We are working with AoG suppliers to understand stock levels and monitor supply chains of critical items, for example masks, hand sanitiser, ICT devices, etc.

We will work with suppliers to allocate stock across government, if supply becomes constrained. You should maintain regular contact with your own (non-AoG) suppliers about their own stockholding. Please continue to take an all of government view when ordering supplies and consider that essential services may need to be prioritised.

Air travel

Travel suppliers are taking a number of steps to keep our travellers safe. These are outlined in the link below and are updated as requirements change. Please check the suppliers’ websites for the latest up-to-date information and schedules.

COVID-19 air travel updates

Office supplies

The office supplies contract has a range of PPE equipment (gloves, masks, hand sanitiser, etc) and cleaning and hygiene products suitable for the general office environment to ensure staff are safe. All suppliers on the panel have indicated they have sufficient stocks available to meet the increased demand expected once alert levels change and more staff are able to work from the office environment again.

Office supplies


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COVID-19 guidance - temporary workers and contractors

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COVID-19: Government contract guidelines to support the construction industry

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Continue to build your procurement capability

There are some great courses you, and your team, can access on our online learning management system, Hīkina, to continue building your procurement capability.

These include:

  • Demystifying procurement – for procurement beginners, or practitioners who would like to refresh their knowledge.
  • Government Procurement Rules – explore the rules in this interactive briefing video.
  • Debriefing suppliers – how to conduct a quality debrief.
  • Early market engagement – explore best practice and how to avoid the risks.
  • Broader outcomes – introduction to broader outcomes, including courses on:
    • Using procurement to ensure Health and Safety outcomes are met
    • Ensuring employment standards are met through procurement
    • Increasing access for New Zealand business
    • Reducing emissions from the government fleet
  • Social Services procurement – for understanding cultural competency and procurement practice, with a focus on managing social services contracts.

Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property
