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Construction Sector Accord publishes new broader outcomes guidance

The Construction Sector Accord has published new guidance to help government buyers and industry suppliers apply broader outcomes in construction procurement.

The guidance helps buyers and suppliers better understand broader outcomes:

  • what they are
  • why they are important
  • how to embed them into government procurement
  • their impact on tender evaluation.

The construction sector is a significant and growing contributor to New Zealand’s economy – in 2020 it delivered $17 billion to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), and employed more than 200,000 New Zealanders. There are significant opportunities to achieve cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes in the sector that go beyond constructing new works.

"The workforce needs 76,000 more staff, construction waste contributes to 50 per cent of what is sent to landfill each year and less than 18 per cent of the construction-related workforce are women."

"By embedding broader outcomes into construction projects, these opportunities in our sector can help create a higher performing industry for a better New Zealand."

Alison Murray  Director of Construction Procurement Transformation for the Construction Sector Accord

Broader outcomes have become an integral part of projects delivered by government agencies and their construction partners across the country. The Whangarei Civic Centre project by Whangarei District Council and Canam, shows how an innovative procurement approach can promote community objectives. By embedding broader outcomes, the project has successfully delivered regional and local jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships. In addition 20 per cent of workers on site are female.

“Through our Beacons programme we’re seeing many agencies and businesses making a huge difference to our sector by embedding broader outcomes into their projects. We hope this guidance helps others across the construction industry better understand these outcomes and do the same,” said Alison Murray, Director of Construction Procurement Transformation for the Construction Sector Accord.

Case study: Canam and Whangarei District Council – Connecting with communities through construction - Construction Sector Accord

Beacon Projects - Construction Sector Accord

The Accord will work with the sector to update the broader outcomes guidance regularly to support the needs of the construction sector.

Read broader outcomes guidance for construction sector on the Construction Sector Accord website.

Procurement and risk - Construction Sector Accord

If you have any questions or feedback email the Accord team.

Learn more about how Government procurement is used to support wider social, economic, cultural and environmental outcomes.

Broader outcomes
