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Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Highlights of the 2023 All-of-Government agency satisfaction survey

Part of: All-of-Government Procurement news Common Capability Contract update

We have achieved 72% agency satisfaction across the 20 All-of-Government and two common capability contracts. This is an increase of 2% from last year’s 70% score and exceeds our 70% target.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to our agency satisfaction survey.

Overall, the themes identified in the survey are similar to feedback from previous years and align with the goals of the Procurement for the Future (PftF) programme. Respondent feedback is positive and the results show that the AoG model continues to deliver value to agencies and schools.

The AoG programme makes the procurement process easy and continues to save agencies and schools time and money. It allows agencies and schools to participate in contracts they don’t have the resources to set-up themselves and removes complexity and effort.

Respondents have provided helpful feedback and suggestions for improvements. There’s a need for more information on panel diversity and how suppliers meet broader outcomes requirements. There's also room to improve the website and make it easier to navigate and find information. For example, some respondents find the AoG sign-up process on the website confusing.

The communication and engagement scores have again increased over the last 12 months. We’re continuously working on improving the quality of our communications and engagement across all our channel, for example through activities like the CoLabs. Despite the improvement, we know there is still more to do to improve our communication.

We already have initiatives underway to improve the service we provide to our customers to address all of these points.

Read the full report:
